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Friday, April 09, 2004

Reputation, the value chain and personal branding

I don't know how you feel about it, but it happens more and more often to me that people in an elevator see you coming and still, they try to close the door in front of you.

It happens twice to me this week alone - never happened that often before in Kuala Lumpur. And it is not done accidentally - I reach the elevator and can see the persons inside - mostly, it is only one or two.

And they look guilty, knowing that this wasn't the most polite way of treating others.

Does this enhance ones own personal reputation? No - since it might be possible that I see them again, will recognise them, and talk about them to my friends around.

It is like a car that cuts in front of you, speeds and threatens others or behaves "unruly" and you can see that they have a promotional emblem somewhere with a company logo. Does it make the company look better for you? Or would you remember this incident?

(By Asia Business Consulting)