War against online porn in China
There is now a webpage in China, where people can report webpages with online pornography, online gambling and similar. Apparently, a great success so far since around 22,000 visitors reported some "wrongdoing" already.
The government now launches another attack - It gives websites time until September to rid themselves of indecent content. And the article states that so far, 500 websites have been identified.
That leaves a couple of questions:
What is the definition of pornography - apparently, even "influential webpages" have been identified to contain some indecent content. So it would be possible to approach those directly, of course. If it is, on the other hand, a webpage that houses hardcore pornography, they could just move to another overseas host and relaunch from there.
More interesting is of course that they identified just 500 websites - 500 only? It might show "the decency of visitors", since anybody who types in "sex" in Google would get millions and millions of hits. It might also show that those who complain, really, really mean the context in more reputable sites - and since China opened up a bit recently in terms of clothing and others, well, it could also be that they complain about fashionable clothes only - where a girl wears a short trouser, or a miniskirt. Some might consider this already indecent contents already - now that would be sad.
The government now launches another attack - It gives websites time until September to rid themselves of indecent content. And the article states that so far, 500 websites have been identified.
That leaves a couple of questions:
What is the definition of pornography - apparently, even "influential webpages" have been identified to contain some indecent content. So it would be possible to approach those directly, of course. If it is, on the other hand, a webpage that houses hardcore pornography, they could just move to another overseas host and relaunch from there.
More interesting is of course that they identified just 500 websites - 500 only? It might show "the decency of visitors", since anybody who types in "sex" in Google would get millions and millions of hits. It might also show that those who complain, really, really mean the context in more reputable sites - and since China opened up a bit recently in terms of clothing and others, well, it could also be that they complain about fashionable clothes only - where a girl wears a short trouser, or a miniskirt. Some might consider this already indecent contents already - now that would be sad.
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