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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Australia's R&D expenditure

I believe that the expediture to improve a country's and a company's products and services - short R&D - is crucial for the mentioned entities. It is the future, so to speak. Many countries across the globe start spending more on R%D, but others step a bit back.

A new report says that "Australia ranked among the top 10 OECD countries in 11 headline indicators. It performed well in having an educated workforce but business expenditure on R&D and patents was below average." "the nation went backwards in patents and investment and information and communication technology."

Okay - it also depends on what are you doing when you have developed great new products and services - either in break-through innovation or incremental improvements. Sometimes, it might be better to have a smaller but more focussed budget, so to speak. But in the end, it is execution, execution, execution.

(By Asia Business Consulting)