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Monday, February 27, 2006

Are blogs dying?

Gallup published a study that says that the number of blogs don't grow anymore.

Apparently, "only 9 percent of Internet users saying they frequently read blogs, with 11 percent reading them occasionally. Thirteen percent of Internet users rarely bother, and 66 percent never read blogs. Those numbers, essentially unchanged from a year earlier, put blog-reading dead last among Gallup's measures of 13 common Internet activities. E-mailing ranks first (with 87 percent of users doing so frequently or occasionally), followed by checking news and weather (72), shopping (52) and making travel plans (also 52). "


More people than ever before are online, a fact that negates the numbers mentioned by Gallup. However, if the number of blogs only rose according to average growth of the number of Internet users, than one can still argue that the phenomenal growth of the haydays has lessened. Can be, but that doesn't mean that the significance of blogs has been reduced.

Moreover, how many can actually distinguish between a blog and a normal website nowadays? Sometimes, the borders are vanguishing and a blog is only apparent when, for example, the appreviation is in the webaddress. Next, blogs are fast becoming just another online channel, just like another newsletter or publication vehicle. Partially commercialised, partially still free-wheeling, but nevertheless, still significant.

I believe it is still too early to say good-bye to the blog. In fact, the party has just begun.

(By Asia Business Consulting)